Developer Security Operations Management

Secure code is everybody's job. Make it easy.
out of 10 breaches are due to software defects
End-to-End SDLC Integration
Wabbi’s Continuous Security platform orchestrates every component of your Application Security program for compliance without sacrificing velocity or agility.
Secure Coding
Deliver secure coding information directly to developers in their existing tools and environments so they know the right thing to do at the right time.
Issue Tracking Integration
Integrate with issue tracking systems to create tickets for identified security issues. Allowing development teams to track and prioritize security-related tasks alongside other development activities. ➜
Policy Enforcement
Define security policies and standards, which are enforced across the SDLC. Automatically enforce policies by blocking code merges, builds, or deployments that violate predefined security rules.
Discover Our DevSecOps Solutions
Find out how our DevSecOps program can integrate security seamlessly into your development process, ensuring compliance without sacrificing speed.

Security with Velocity & Agility
Tailor risk criteria for each project to emphasize security initiatives and endeavors within the SDLC.
Adapt security mandates promptly to reflect alterations within the application framework or security protocols, ensuring dynamic management of security prerequisites.
Scale your application security initiative seamlessly, eliminating friction and manual intervention across numerous data sources.